Tombstone ?Shudder?

8,2 of 10 Stars
2 hour 10Minute
Directed by: Kevin Jarre
writer: Kevin Jarre
Abstract: After success cleaning up Dodge City, Wyatt Earp moves to Tombstone, Arizona, and wishes to get rich in obscurity. He meets his brothers there, as well as his old friend Doc Holliday. A band of outlaws that call themselves The Cowboys are causing problems in the region with various acts of random violence, and inevitably come into confrontation with Holliday and the Earps, which leads to a shoot-out at the O.K. Corral
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Val Kilmer gave one of the best performances in motion picture history and did not even get a nod from the academy. Everyone who saw this film would agree with me I"m sure.
A shout out must always be given to Stephen Lang
Val kilmer and daniel day lewis shoulda had something to do some acting boxing in back in the been fanatstic... ????????. When you effectively ended the game in Black Ops 2 zombies with Tombstone. Files in VOB format have a filename extension and are typically stored in the VIDEO_TS directory at the root of a DVD. Val Kilmer should"ve won best supporting actor for his role as The Doc. that would"ve been a daisy. Every actor in this film gave the performance of their lives. It was mesmerizing the first time I saw the film and still believe that its the best Western ever made. Val Kilmer got screwed out of an Oscar for best supporting actor.
Dude! what about: “you tell em Im comin! and Hells comin with me! ”. The year The Oscars forgot to give one to Val - Sad. Kilmer deserved an Oscar that year.
Val Kilmer was simply in the zone for this part! He should have won an Oscar for his portrayal of Doc Holliday, period. Oh make no mistske... Its not vengence he"s after... Its a reckoning! You tell em i"m coming! And hell"s coming with me. This, ladies and gentlemen, is an accurate representation of what happens when you bump into an NPC in RDR2.
And don"t forget to write your review after online viewing
Kate sure didn"t look like that in real life. Not even close. Ah, matter. A great movie. And nobody mentioned the best line of all, other guy. nobody move. Doc. nonsense, by all means, move. 63 fools are cross. “ Go ahead, skin it. Skin that smokewagon and see what happens.” Hardest line in the whole movie... ??. I never understood this scene. What happened to all of Wyatts money? He and his brothers were making a fortune in Tombstone.
Re watching this (as I recently did) the films seems to imply that Doc Holiday was really the person who pushed things over the edge. It looks like the cowboys are scared and considering disarming until Doc winks at Thomas Hayden Church"s character (kind of provoking him. At that point, THC"s character goes from scared to angry/serious and Wyatt says as he realizes that he"s going to pull his gun. I"m just sayin" Doc kinda set of this whole damn thing.
Every Western should have Sam Elliot in it. I like how Kate does a little curtsy at the end. A woman after my own heart pulling that piece out.
0:19 The exact moment Johnny knew he was a dead man
This is top 10 scenes ever. Johnny Ringo. You look like somebody just walked over your grave. Say when. “poor soul, you were just too high strung”. 2:58 - 3:04 Batman & Ego killed Sandman. The first 30 seconds of this scene is how good cinematography is done, lighting, angles, costuming. I salute movie web for its fine production, I could have watched a lot more. Should we, Tombstone lovers, get up a petition to Kirk Russell, for an extended version of Tombstone using the footage he has. I think there are enough of us to make it profitable for him, and a joy to us. The footage needs to be put back in the movie and not released as a collage. There are a number of unexplained scenes like what Josie Marcus was doing getting photographed in a cottage aside of the ok coral. Knowing she may have posed for a nude photograph—there is a photograph thought to be her—floating around the Internet. It seams like a scene out of nowhere unless you know the history between Josie and Wyatt. It is a history with a sad ending, Earp and Josie spent their last years together in a two room apartment. She would take off daily to gamble away what money she could lay her hands on. He would go down to the film studios to have lunch with the western film stars of the day, like Tom Mix and tell stories of the real old west. That is why there were film stars carrying his casket, as Robert Mitchum said in his wrap up. Stuart Lake, in his book was highly controlled by Josie who was there for every interview and bossing Lake around to make sure the book was to her liking. Anyway a petition to Russell for an extended edition. Whose in.
Are you gonna" do somethin" or just stand there and bleed? Quite possibly the best line ever delivered in a movie... “Jerk that pistol and go to work” same thing I say to the misses. Full length movie Σ?γκρουση στον πρ?σινο β?λτο for free with streaming servers available all over the world to watch Σ?γκρουση στον πρ?σινο β?λτο Online also includes a portal that is very much better which provides every single movie that is available on the internet with the best possible servers over the globe to let you watch Σ?γκρουση στον πρ?σινο β?λτο online and enjoy what is better and what is best. Kurt Russell and Val Kilmer plays the best Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday Ever.